Dr. Thorsten Hüffer






Research Faculty

☎ +43 1 4277 53383


⚲ Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), Room 2C409, 1090 Vienna

Globally, chemical pollution is irreversibly affecting ecosystems. The fate of these chemicals in the environment is largely governed by phase transfer processes. Since his PhD at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), Thorsten has investigated how biotic and abiotic processes change plastic-xenobiotic interactions in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Recently, he has been exploring how environmental factors impact the release of additives from plastics, like phthalates, causing them to become long-lived sources of pollution in environmental systems. Similarly, he investigates the factors that shape the continuous leaching of xenobiotics from tire materials and their products, which can be take up by agricultural plants, thereby entering the human food web.


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To view Thorsten Hüffer's teaching activities at the University of Vienna, visit u:find.


  • Member of expert committee „Polymers in the aquatic environment“ within the Waterchemistry Society
  • Member of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)
  • Member of the German Waterchemical Society
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
  • Member of the Center for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU)

 Group Members


Showing entries 73 - 77 out of 77
Hüffer, T., Metzelder, F., Schroth, S., & Schmidt, T. C. (2014). Systematische Charakerisierung der Sorptionseigenschaften von mehrwandigen Kohlenstoffnanoröhren mittels linearer freie-Energie beziehungen. In Wasser 2014: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2014 (pp. 52-57). Article V7

Hüffer, T., Kah, M., Hofmann, T., & Schmidt, T. C. (2013). How aging affects sorption behavior of nC60. Paper presented at SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Hüffer, T., Kah, M., Hofmann, T., & Schmidt, T. C. (2013). How aging affects sorption behavior of nC60.. Paper presented at 8th International Conference of the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Aix en Provence, France.