

EDGE researchers investigated how the seasonal biodegradation of the artificial sweetener acesulfame (ACE) can be used to study critical processes in...


The teams from Thilo Hofmann (EDGE) won together with Prof. Benny Chefetz (HUJ) the new University of Vienna - Hebrew University of Jerusalem...


Gadolinium (Gd)-based contrast agents, used in magnetic resonance imaging, not only leave the human body virtually unaffected, but also survive...


A new study from Viemann et al. with Thilo Hofmann and Nathalie Tepe from EDGE investigates the evolution of microbial habitats under extreme...


In this study led by Gabriel Sigmund, in collaboration with colleagues from the Ithaka Institute for Carbon Strategies and Agroscope, the physical...


Edible plants, such as lettuce, can take up chemicals released from tire wear particles. Tire wear particles reach agricultural fields through the...


Mercury (Hg) release from contaminated legacy sites is a large contributor to riverine ecosystems and can represent a significant local and regional...


Asbestos fibers are carcinogenic minerals that have abundantly been used in different industrial settings and in consumer applications. Much of the...


Asbestos fibers are carcinogenic minerals that induce non-malignant and malignant diseases after inhalation.


In this publication, Stephan Kraemer...


Chemical pollution is a major threat to biodiversity. This has been acknowledged in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, but, as it stands,...


Currently available polyurethanes are not (yet) biodegradable and should therefore be recycled, but unintentionally released microplastics from these...


Aquatic fate models and risk assessment require information on contaminants' affinity for riverine suspended particulate matter (SPM). Particulate...


The Global Monitoring Consortium, involving EDGE members, has received the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Award 2022 in the category...


Florence Lehutso joined EDGE as a postdoctoral researcher in October 2022. She will be working as part of the project "OECD test guideline development...


asmine Thekkumthott Athil joined EDGE as a part time technician in October 2022, supporting supporting the lab team. She obtained her BSc in Food...