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Gondikas, A., Wagner, S., von der Kammer, F., Hofmann, T., Neubauer, E., Schmid, D., Reed, R. B., Toth, R., Richter, J., Szoeke, D., Friedl, D., Laumann, S., & Pfleger, G. (2013). Detection and characterization of TiO2 nanomaterials in surface waters. In Wasser 2013: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft (pp. 404-407). Deutsche Wasserchemische Gesellschaft.

Kah, M., Zhang, X., & Hofmann, T. (2013). Dispersion state and surface chemistry strongly affects the sorption behaviour of carbon nanotubes. In Wasser 2013: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2013 (pp. 418-422)

Kah, M., Beulke, S., Tiede, K., & Hofmann, T. (2013). Environmental fate of nano-pesticides and implications for exposure assessment in the EU. Paper presented at 14th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment ICCE 2013), Barcelona, Spain.

Neubauer, E., von der Kammer, F., Knorr, K.-H., Peiffer, S., Reichert, M., & Hofmann, T. (2013). Event-based assessment of colloid-associated export of arsenic in stream water. In Tagungsband der Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2013 (pp. 423-425). Deutsche Wasserchemische Gesellschaft.

Kah, M., Beulke, S., & Hofmann, T. (2013). Fate of nanopesticides in soil. Paper presented at Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air, York, United Kingdom.

Kah, M., & Hofmann, T. (2013). Fate of nanopesticides in the environment. Paper presented at 6th Late Summer Workshop of the Wasserchemische Gesellschaft, Maurach, Germany.

Hüffer, T., Kah, M., Hofmann, T., & Schmidt, T. C. (2013). How aging affects sorption behavior of nC60. Paper presented at SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Hüffer, T., Kah, M., Hofmann, T., & Schmidt, T. C. (2013). How aging affects sorption behavior of nC60.. Paper presented at 8th International Conference of the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Aix en Provence, France.

Wagner, S., von der Kammer, F., Legros, S., & Hofmann, T. (2013). How to develop a quantitative and validated method for the analysis of engineered nanoparticles in a complex food matrix. In FFF2013: International Symposium on Field- and Flow based Separations Field and Flow based separation 2013.

Wagner, S., Gondikas, A., von der Kammer, F., Legros, S., & Hofmann, T. (2013). How to quantitatively analyze engineered nanoparticles in a complex food matrix. In H. Köksel (Ed.), EUROFOODCHEM XVII: Book of Abstracts (pp. 608-608). Hacettepe University.

Laumann, S., Hofmann, T., & Micic Batka, V. (2013). Injection of polyelectrolytes enhances mobility of zero-valent ironnanoparticles in carbonate-rich porous media. In 23. Doktorandentreffen der Hydrogeologen (pp. 31)