
Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 667


Praetorius, A., Badetti, E., Brunelli, A., Clavier, A., Gallego-Urrea, J. A., Walch, H., von der Kammer, F., Hofmann, T., Tepe, N., Gondikas, A., Hassellöv, M., Mackevica, A., Marcomini, A., Peijnenburg, W., Quik, J. T. K., Seijo, M., & Stoll, S. (2020). Strategies for determining heteroaggregation attachment efficiencies of engineered nanoparticles in aquatic environments. Environmental Science: Nano, 7(2), 351-367.

von der Kammer, F., Geitner, N. K., Hendren, C. O., Cornelis, G., Kaegi, R., Lead, J. R., Lowry, G. V., Lynch, I., Nowack, B., Petersen, E., Bernhardt, E., Brown, S., Chen, W., de Garidel-Thoron, C., Hanson, J., Harper, S., Jones, K., Kennedy, A., Kidd, J., ... Wiesner, M. (2020). Harmonizing across environmental nanomaterial testing media for increased comparability of nanomaterial datasets. Environmental Science: Nano, 7(1), 13-36.


Rushworth, D., Krämer, S., Schenkeveld, W., Dewulf, J., & Slomp, C. (2019). Copper mobilization from marine sediments by the methanotrophic chalcophore methanobactin. International symposium on environmental biogeochemistry, Potsdam, Germany.

Rushworth, D., Schenkeveld, W., Krämer, S., Hoffmann, K., Kretzschmar, R., & Christl, I. (2019). Copper sulfide dissolution by methanobactin, a methanotrophic chalcophore. Goldschmidt conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

Reithofer, M., Chin, J. M., Young, A. J., Sami, H., Eisen, C., Rubio, G., Tepe, N., Hofmann, T., Ogris, M., & Keppler, B. (2019). Water-Soluble NHC Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles. In Book of Abstracts (pp. IL-080)

Hartmann, N. B., Hüffer, T., Thompson, R. C., Hassellöv, M., Verschoor, A., Daugaard, A. E., Rist, S., Karlsson, T., Brennholt, N., Cole, M., Herrling, M. P., Hess, M. C., Ivleva, N. P., Lusher, A. L., & Wagner, M. (2019). Response to the Letter to the Editor Regarding Our Feature “Are We Speaking the Same Language? Recommendations for a Definition and Categorization Framework for Plastic Debris”. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(9), 4678-4679.

Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 667