Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 667
Cross, R. K., Spurgeon, D., Svendsen, C., Lahive, E., Little, S., von der Kammer, F., Loosli, F., Matzke, M., Fernandes, T. F., Stone, V., Peijnenburg, W. J. G. M., & Bleeker, E. A. J. (2024). An integrated approach to testing and assessment (IATA) to support grouping and read-across of nanomaterials in aquatic systems. Nano Today, 54, Article 102065. Advance online publication.
Walter, M., Schenkeveld, W. D. C., Geroldinger, G., Gille, L., & Krämer, S. (2024). Redox Cycling of Tetrahedral Iron Drives the Fenton Reactivity of Chrysotile Asbestos. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 8(1), 1-13.
Wichmann, N., Gruseck, R., & Zumstein, M. (2024). Hydrolysis of Antimicrobial Peptides by Extracellular Peptidases in Wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(1), 717-726.
Fian, L., Schmidlechner, L., Felt, U., Hofmann, T., White, M., & Pahl, S. (2024). Microplastics in food and drink: perceptions of the risks, challenges, and solutions among individuals in the ‘farm-to-fork’ food chain. Journal of Risk Research, 27(8), 986-1009.
Kang, K., Schenkeveld, W. D. C., Weber, G., & Kraemer, S. M. (2023). Stability of Coumarins and Determination of the Net Iron Oxidation State of Iron-Coumarin Complexes: Implications for Examining Plant Iron Acquisition Mechanisms. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7(12), 2339-2352.
Hofmann, T., Ghoshal, S., Tufenkji, N., Adamowski, J. F., Bayen, S., Chen, Q., Demokritou, P., Flury, M., Hüffer, T., Ivleva, N. P., Ji, R., Leask, R. L., Maric, M., Mitrano, D. M., Sander, M., Pahl, S., Rillig, M. C., Walker, T. R., White, J. C., & Wilkinson, K. J. (2023). Plastics can be used more sustainably in agriculture. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1), Article 332.
Metz, R., Kumar, N., Schenkeveld, W. D. C., & Kraemer, S. M. (2023). Rates and Mechanism of Vivianite Dissolution under Anoxic Conditions. Environmental Science and Technology, 57(45), 17266-17277.
Lotteraner, L., Hofmann, T., & Moller, T. (2023). The Challenge of Interdisciplinarity at the Intersection of Groundwater Management and Visualization Research. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43(6), 50-63.
Mitrano, D., Bigalke, M., Booth, A. M., Carteny, C. C., Coffin, S., Egger, M., Gondikas, A., Hüffer, T., Koelmans, A. A., Lahive, E., Mattsson, K., Reynaud, S., & Stephan, W. (2023). Training the next generation of plastics pollution researchers: tools, skills and career perspectives in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field. Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 3, Article 24.
Sander, M., Weber, M., Lott, C., Zumstein, M., Künkel, A., & Battagliarin, G. (2023). Polymer Biodegradability 2.0: A Holistic View on Polymer Biodegradation in Natural and Engineered Environments. In Advances in Polymer Science (pp. 65-110). Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.
Chardi, K. J., Schenkeveld, W. D. C., Kumar, N., Giammar, D. E., & Kraemer, S. M. (2023). Effect of Competing Metals and Humic Substances on Uranium Mobilization from Noncrystalline U(IV) Induced by Anthropogenic and Biogenic Ligands. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(42), 16006-16015.
Sanjuan-Navarro, L., Boughbina-Portolés, A., Moliner-Martínez, Y., von der Kammer, F., & Campíns-Falcó, P. (2023). Isolation of Carbon Black from Soils by Dispersion for Analysis: Quantitation and Characterization by Field Flow Fractionation Techniques. ACS Omega, 8(38), 34795-34804.
Henkel, C., Lamprecht, J., Hüffer, T., & Hofmann, T. (2023). Environmental factors strongly influence the leaching of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate from polyvinyl chloride microplastics. Water Research, 242, Article 120235.
Wohlleben, W., Rückel, M., Meyer, L., Pfohl, P., Battagliarin, G., Hüffer, T., Zumstein, M., & Hofmann, T. (2023). Fragmentation and Mineralization of a Compostable Aromatic–Aliphatic Polyester during Industrial Composting. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 10(8), 698 - 704.
Hendriks, L., Brünjes, R., Taskula, S., Kocic, J., Hattendorf, B., Bland, G., Lowry, G., Bolea-Fernandez, E., Vanhaecke, F., Wang, J., Baalousha, M., von der Au, M., Meermann, B., Holbrook, T. R., Wagner, S., Harycki, S., Gundlach-Graham, A., & von der Kammer, F. (2023). Results of an interlaboratory comparison for characterization of Pt nanoparticles using single-particle ICP-TOFMS. Nanoscale, 15(26), 11268-11279.
Sigmund, G., Ågerstrand, M., Antonelli, A., Backhaus, T., Brodin, T., Diamond, M. L., Erdelen, W. R., Evers, D. C., Hofmann, T., Hueffer, T., Lai, A., Torres, J. P. M., Mueller, L., Perrigo, A. L., Rillig, M. C., Schaeffer, A., Scheringer, M., Schirmer, K., Tlili, A., ... Groh, K. J. (2023). Addressing chemical pollution in biodiversity research. Global Change Biology, 29(12), 3240-3255.
Carlini, C., Chaudhuri, S., Mann, O., Tomsik, D., Hüffer, T., Greggio, N., Marazza, D., Hofmann, T., & Sigmund, G. (2023). Benchmarking biochar with activated carbon for immobilizing leachable PAH and heterocyclic PAH in contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 325, Article 121417.
Marazuela, M. A., Formentin, G., Erlmeier, K., & Hofmann, T. (2023). Acesulfame allows the tracing of multiple sources of wastewater and riverbank filtration. Environmental Pollution, 323, Article 121223.
Marazuela, M. A., Formentin, G., Erlmeier, K., & Hofmann, T. (2023). Seasonal biodegradation of the artificial sweetener acesulfame enhances its use as a transient wastewater tracer. Water Research, 232, Article 119670.
Bleeker, E. A. J., Swart, E., Braakhuis, H., Fernández Cruz, M. L., Friedrichs, S., Gosens, I., Herzberg, F., Jensen, K. A., von der Kammer, F., Kettelarij, J. A. B., Navas, J. M., Rasmussen, K., Schwirn, K., & Visser, M. (2023). Towards harmonisation of testing of nanomaterials for EU regulatory requirements on chemical safety: A proposal for further actions. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, 139, Article 105360.