Showing entries 641 - 660 out of 666
von der Kammer, F., Baborowski, M., & Friese, K. (2005). Field-flow fractionation coupled to multi-angle laser light scattering detectors: Applicability and analytical benefits for the analysis of environmental colloids: Field-flow fractionation coupled to multi-angle laser light scattering detectors: Applicability and analytical benefits for the analysis of environmental colloids. Analytica Chimica Acta, 552, 166-174.
Reichard, P., Krämer, S., Frazier, S., & Kretzschmar, R. (2005). Goethite dissolution in the presence of phytosiderophores: rates, mechanisms and the synergistic effect of oxalate. Plant and Soil: international journal on plant-soil relationships, 276, 115-132.
Pies, C., Ramil, M., Ternes, T., Yang, Y., & Hofmann, T. (2005). Methylierte Polyzyklische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe in Ufersedimenten. In Tagungsband der Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft: 2.- 4. Mai 2005 Bad Mergentheim Deutsche Wasserchemische Gesellschaft.
Baalousha, M., von der Kammer, F., Motelica-Heino, M., & Le Coustumer, P. (2005). Natural sample fractionation by FlFFF-MALLS-TEM: Sample stabilization, preparation, pre-concentration and fractionation. Journal of Chromatography A, 1093(1-2), 156-166.
Pies, C., Yang, Y., Ternes, T., & Hofmann, T. (2005). PAH contaminated soil and river sediments: Environmental Forensics. In Unknown host publication title Unknown publisher.
Yang, Y., Ligouis, B., Pies, C., Achten, C., Grathwohl, P., & Hofmann, T. (2005). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in River Floodplain Soils: Coal and Coal-derived Particles. In Unknown host publication title Unknown publisher.
Krämer, S., Butler, A., Borer, P., & Cervini-Silva, J. (2005). Siderophores and the dissolution of iron-bearing minerals in marine systems. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 59, 53-76.
Krämer, S., & Hering, J. (2004). Biogeochemical controls on the mobility and bioavailability of metals in soils and groundwater. Aquatic Sciences: research across boundaries, 66(1), 1-2.
Hofmann, T. (2004). Colloids: The world of neglected dimensions [Die welt der vernachlässigten dimensionen: Kolloide]. Chemie in Unserer Zeit, 38(1), 24-35.
Krämer, S. (2004). Iron oxide dissolution and solubility in the presence of siderophores. Aquatic Sciences: research across boundaries, 66, 3-18.
Hofmann, T., Baumann, T., Bundschuh, T., von der Krammer, F., Leis, A. P., Schmitt, D., Schäfer, T., Thieme, J., Totsche, K. U., & Zänker, H. (2003). Aquatic colloids: Definition and relevance - A review. Grundwasser, 8(4), 203-213.
Hofmann, T., Baumann, T., Bundschuh, T., von der Krammer, F., Leis, A. P., Schmitt, D., Schäfer, T., Thieme, J., Totsche, K. U., & Zänker, H. (2003). Aquatic colloids: Sampling and characterization - A review. Grundwasser, 8(4), 213-223.
Cheah, S.-F., Krämer, S., Cervini-Silva, J., & Sposito, G. (2003). Steady-state dissolution kinetics of goethite in the presence of desferrioxamine B and oxalate ligands: Implications for the microbial acquisition of iron. Chemical Geology, 198(1-2), 63-75.
Hofmann, T. (2002). An overview of factors influencing the colloid/particle favoured relocation of contaminants. IAHS Publications / International Association of Hydrological Sciences, (275), 165-168.
Krämer, S., Kretzschmar, R., & Reichard, P. (2002). Fast ligand controlled goethite dissolution kinetics under non-steady state conditions in the presence of siderophores and oxalate. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(15).
Krämer, S., Xu, J., Raymond, K. N., & Sposito, G. (2002). Pb(II) and Eu(III) adsorption by goethite in the presence of natural and synthetic hydroxamate siderophores. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(6), 1287-1291.
Cocozza, C., Tsao, C. C. G., Cheah, S.-F., Krämer, S., Raymond, K. N., Miano, T. M., & Sposito, G. (2002). Temperature dependence of goethite dissolution promoted by trihydroxamate siderophores. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66, 431-438.
Hofmann, T. (2001). Aquatic colloids: Small particles - Large effect [Aquatische kolloide: Kleine teilchen - Große wirkung]. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 49(11), 1291-1295.
Calmano, W., Bilitewski, U., Flemming, H.-C., Hofmann, T., Peiffer, S., Ternes, T., & Wilken, R. D. (2001). The German water chemical society: Actual trends and fields of research in the principle committee "basic research". Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 29(6-7), 419-427.
Krämer, S., Cheah, S.-F., Zapf, R., Xu, J.-J., Raymond, K. N., & Sposito, G. (1999). Effect of hydroxamate siderophores on Fe release and Pb(II) adsorption by goethite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63(19-20), 3003-3008.
Showing entries 641 - 660 out of 666