Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 664
Hüffer, T., Metzelder, F., Sigmund, G., Slawek, S., Schmidt, T. C., & Hofmann, T. (2019). Polyethylene microplastics influence the transport of organic contaminants in soil. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 242-247.
Miernicki, M., Hofmann, T., Eisenberger, I., von der Kammer, F., & Praetorius, A. (2019). Legal and practical challenges in classifying nanomaterials according to regulatory definitions. Nature Nanotechnology, 14, 208-216.
Walter, M., Schenkeveld, W., Reissner, M., Gille, L., & Krämer, S. (2019). The Effect of pH and Biogenic Ligands on the Weathering of Chrysotile Asbestos: The Pivotal Role of Tetrahedral Fe in Dissolution Kinetics and Radical Formation. Chemistry: A European Journal, 25(13), 3286-3300.
Sigmund, G., Jiang, C., Hofmann, T., & Chen, W. (2019). Correction: Environmental transformation of natural and engineered carbon nanoparticles and implications for the fate of organic contaminants. Environmental Science: Nano, 6(3), 990-990.
Hartmann, N. B., Hüffer, T., Thompson, R. C., Hassellöv, M., Verschoor, A., Daugaard, A. E., Rist, S., Karlsson, T., Brennholt, N., Cole, M., Herrling, M. P., Hess, M. C., Ivleva, N. P., Lusher, A. L., & Wagner, M. (2019). Are We Speaking the Same Language? Recommendations for a Definition and Categorization Framework for Plastic Debris. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(3), 1039-1047.
Biswakarma, J., Kang, K., Borowski, S., Schenkeveld, W., Krämer, S., Hering, J., & Hug, S. (2019). Fe(II)-Catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of Iron(hydr)oxides. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(1), 88-97.
Kang, K., Schenkeveld, W., Biswakarma, J., Borowski, S. C., Hug, S. J., Hering, J., & Krämer, S. (2019). Low Fe(II) Concentrations Catalyze the Dissolution of Various Fe(III) (hydr)oxide Minerals in the Presence of Diverse Ligands and over a Broad pH Range. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(1), 98-107.
Zhang, T., Lowry, G. V., Capiro, N. L., Chen, J., Chen, W., Chen, Y., Dionysiou, D. D., Elliott, D. W., Ghoshal, S., Hofmann, T., Hsu-Kim, H., Hughes, J., Jiang, C., Jiang, G., Jing, C., Kavanaugh, M., Li, Q., Liu, S., Ma, J., ... Alvarez, P. J. J. (2019). In situ remediation of subsurface contamination: Opportunities and challenges for nanotechnology and advanced materials. Environmental Science: Nano, 6(5), 1283-1302.
Kallus, S., Uhlik, L., van Schoonhoven, S., Pelivan, K., Berger, W., Enyedy, E. A., Hofmann, T., Heffeter, P., Kowol, C. R., & Keppler, B. K. (2019). Synthesis and biological evaluation of biotin-conjugated anticancer thiosemicarbazones and their iron(III) and copper(II) complexes. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 190, 85-97.
Flores-Orozco, A., Micic Batka, V., Bücker, M., Gallistl, J., Hofmann, T., & Nguyen, F. (2019). Complex-conductivity monitoring to delineate aquifer pore clogging during nanoparticles injection. Geophysical Journal International, 218(3), 1838-1852.
Hodgskiss, L., Reyes, C., Kerou, M., Pribasnig, T., Bayer, B., Krämer, S., & Schleper, C. (2019). Copper limitation in the ammonia oxidizing archaeon Nitrososphaera viennensis. The Sixth International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN6), Xiamen, China.
Sami, H., Taschauer, A., Tepe, N., Decker, S., Cyran, N., Anton, M., Hofmann, T., Rogach, A., & Ogris, M. (2019). Nanoparticle functionalized polyplexes: efficient nucleic acid delivery platform and theranostic applications. BioNanoMed 2019 - Nanotechnology enables Personalized Medicine, Graz, Austria.
Henkel, C., Hüffer, T., & Hofmann, T. (2019). The leaching of phthalates from PVC can be determined with an infinite sink approach. MethodsX, 6, 2729–2734.
Hüffer, T., Urankar, T., Henkel, C., Hofmann, T., & Meikecke, S. (2019). Verwitterung von PVC und Freisetzung von Phthalatadditiven in der Umwelt - Eine Mesokosmosstudie. In Wasser 2019 (pp. 83-87). Deutsche Wasserchemische Gesellschaft.
Krämer, S., & Schenkeveld, W. (2018). Constraints to Synergistic Fe Mobilization from Calcareous Soil by a Phytosiderophore and a Reductant. Soil Systems, 2(4), 1-22. Article 67.
Gomes, S. I. L., Roca, C. P., Von Der Kammer, F., Scott-Fordsmand, J. J., & Amorim, M. J. B. (2018). Mechanisms of (photo)toxicity of TiO2 nanomaterials (NM103, NM104, NM105): Using high-throughput gene expression in: Enchytraeus crypticus. Nanoscale, 10(46), 21960-21970.
Sigmund, G., Jiang, C., Hofmann, T., & Chen, W. (2018). Environmental transformation of natural and engineered carbon nanoparticles and implications for the fate of organic contaminants. Environmental Science: Nano, 5(11), 2500-2518.
Metzelder, F., Funck, M., Hüffer, T., & Schmidt, T. C. (2018). Comparison of Sorption to Carbon-Based Materials and Nanomaterials Using Inverse Liquid Chromatography. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(17), 9731-9740.
Handy, R. D., Ahtiainen, J., Maria Navas, J., Goss, G., Bleeker, E. A. J., & von der Kammer, F. (2018). Proposal for a tiered dietary bioaccumulation testing strategy for engineered nanomaterials using fish. Environmental Science: Nano, 5(9), 2030-2046.
Krämer, S. (2018). Reductive and ligand controlled iron (hydr)oxide dissolution mechanisms in the context of biological iron acquisition. Paper presented at Iron Biogeochemistry Workshop in Lech/Austria, Lech, Austria.
Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 664