Dr. Frank von der Kammer






Vice Head Department of Environmental Geosciences

☎ +43 1 4277 53380


⚲ Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), Room 2B423, 1090 Vienna

Colloids and nanoparticles constitute a large part of the total reactive surface area of the planet. Their role in environmental processes is only partially understood. Frank develops specific experimental and analytical methods to elucidate the transformation, interaction and general behaviour of colloidal/nanoscale particles in the environment. His group uses the acquired knowledge and sophisticated analytical techniques to better understand environmental nanoscale processes. He supports the risk assessment of nanomaterials by improving our understanding of incidental and manufactured nanoparticles in the environment. This includes development of methods for identification and quantification of nanomaterials in food, cosmetics and the environment, as well as the development of regulatory tools on OECD and ISO levels.

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To view Frank von der Kammer's teaching activities at the University of Vienna, visit u:find.

Book editions

  • Frimmel, F.H.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Flemming, H.-C. (Eds.): Colloidal Transport in Porous Media. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 291

Book chapters

  • Baalousha, M.; Lead, J.R.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Hofmann, Th. (2009): Natural colloids and nanoparticles in aquatic and terrestrial environments. In: Lead, J.; Smith, E. (Eds.): Environmental and human health Impacts of Nanotechnology. Wiley - Blackwell Publishing, pp. 109 - 162
  • v.d. Kammer, F.; Hofmann, Th. (2007): Beispiele für Nutzen und Risiko der Nanotechnologie aus der Sicht der Umweltgeowissenschaften – Was wir wissen und was wir lernen müssen. In: Gazsó, A.; Schiemer, F.; Greßler, S. (Eds.): Nano - Chancen und Risken aktueller Technologien. Springer Wien-New York, 83 - 100
  • Förstner, U.; Flemming, H.-C.; Gust, G.; Jirka, G.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Larsen, O.; Markofsky, M.; Meyer-Reil, L.-A.; Nießner, R.; Westrich,  B.; Worch, E.; Zielke, W. (2007): Sediment- and pollutant-related processes – interdisciplinary approach. In: Westrich, B. & Förstner, U. (Eds.): Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers – Interdisciplinary Approach. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 15 - 34
  • Siepmann, R.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Calmano, W. (2007): Determination of heavy metal mobility from resuspended sediments using simulated natural experimental conditions. In: Westrich, B. & Förstner, U. (Eds.): Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers – Interdisciplinary Approach. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 258 - 268
  • Siepmann, R.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Förstner, U. (2007): Transport of colloids in laboratory and field filtration columns. In: Frimmel, F.H.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Flemming, H.-C. (Eds.): Colloidal Transport in Porous Media. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, 87-115
  • Hassellov, M., v.d. Kammer, F.; Beckett, R. (2006): Characterization of Aquatic Colloids and Macromolecules by Field-Flow Fractionation. In: K.J. Wilkinson; J.R. Lead (Eds.): Environmental Colloids and Particles: Behaviour, Separation and Characterisation. IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, Vol. 10, Wiley & Sons, pp. 224-276
  • Calmano, W.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Schwartz, R. (2005): Characterization of redox conditions in soils and sediments: heavy metals. In: Lens, P.; Grotenhuis, T.; Malina, G.; Tabak, H. (Eds.): Soil and Sediment Remediation. IWA Publishing, pp. 102 – 120
  • Hassellov, M.; v.d. Kammer, F. (2005): Detection Methods for Field-Flow Fractionation, Encyclopedia of Chromatography, 2. Edition, Marcel Dekker, 437-442
  • v.d. Kammer, F. & Jacobs, P. H.  (2003): Dezentrale Regenwasserreinigung an der B75: Problemlösung mit reaktiven Filtersystemen. - In: Wilderer et al. (Eds.): Regenwasserversickerung - eine Möglichkeit dezentraler Regenwasserbewirtschaftung. Berichte aus der Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, TU München, Vol. 175, pp. 189-203
  • v.d. Kammer, F. (2003): Kolloidanalytik und physiko-chemische Effekte. In: Hammer, J.: Handbuch zur Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten – Vol. 9: Quartäre Sedimente als Geologische Barrieren. Springer, Berlin, 377-388
  • v.d. Kammer, F.; Thöming, J.; Förstner, U. (1999): Redox Capacity Concept as a Tool for the Assessment of Long Term Effects in Natural Attenuation/Intrinsic Remediation. In: Schüring, J.; Schulz, H. D.; Fischer, W. R.; Böttcher J. & Duijnisveld, W. H. M. (Eds.): Redox – Fundamentals, Processes and Measuring Techniques. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
  • v.d. Kammer, F.: Fraktionierung von Nano-Partikeln mit der Feld-Fluß-Fraktionierung (1999). In: Methoden zur Erkundung, Untersuchung und Bewertung von Sedimentablagerungen und Schwebstoffen in Gewässern. DVWK-Schriftenreihe, Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser, Bonn 1999
  • Thöming, J.; v.d. Kammer, F.; Beermann, A. (1996): Electrolytic Recovery of Mercury from leached residues. In: F. Beck, Elektrochemie der Elektronenleiter, GDCh Monographie, Bd. 3, 68-69

 Group Members


Nowack, B., Baalousha, M., Bornhöft, N., Chaudry, Q., Cornelis, G., Cotterill, J., Gondikas, A., Hassellov, M., Lead, J., Mitrano, D., von der Kammer, F., & Wontner-Smith, T. (2015). Progress towards the validation of modeled environmental concentrations of engineered nanomaterials by analytical measurements. Environmental Science: Nano, 2(5), 421-428. https://doi.org/10.1039/C5EN00100E

von der Kammer, F., Navratilova, J., Gondikas, A., & Hofmann, T. (2015). Single particle ICPMS based methods for tracking environmental leaching of nanoparticles from consumer products. In Sustainable Nanotechnology Conference 2015: Conference Abstracts 2015 (pp. 48)

Praetorius, A., von der Kammer, F., & Hofmann, T. (2015). The improper use of equilibrium partition coefficients as fate descriptors for engineered nanoparticles. In Wasser 2015: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft (pp. 85-89). Deutsche Wasserchemische Gesellschaft.

Ferguson, L., Hofmann, T., Schierz, A., Parks, A. N., Washburn, K. M., Chandler, G. T., von der Kammer, F., Wagner, S., Gondikas, A., & Navratilova, J. (2015). Today’s status and future directions in the analysis of manufactured nanomaterials in the environment: Addressing challenges in the analysis of carbon nanoparticles in aquatic sediments and benthic organisms. 40 -41. Paper presented at ContaSed 2015, Ascona, Switzerland.