About Us

The Division of Environmental Geosciences investigates key processes controlling the natural environment and anthropogenic impacts. Researchers at EDGE combine field observations with experimental work, linking molecular-scale mechanisms at environmental interfaces with complex large-scale environmental processes using quantitative modelling. At EDGE, we accept the challenges posed by the release of known and emerging pollutants and recognise the need to understand their impacts on soils, ground and surface waters, using process-based and mechanistic research.



A new study in cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has detected tire additives in leafy vegetables.

03.06.2024 15:05

On Wednesday, Thilo Hofmann will be part of an expert panel at the event "Österreichischer Aktionsplan Mikroplastik 2022-2025: From Pollution to...


Maximilian joined EDGE as a Ph.D. student in April 2024. Under the supervision of Michael Zumstein and within the Cluster of Excellence “Microbiomes...


Luzian Hämmerle, Anya Sherman, and Thilo Hofmann from EDGE—selected among 16,000 abstracts—presented their recent study on tire wear additives in food...


A new study in cooperation with BASF sheds light on the crucial role of physical shape in the fragmentation of biodegradable plastics during...


EDGE's Thilo Hofmann is featured in the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" in an article about the Kick-Off event of the new Environment and Climate...

 EDGE Lecture Series

27.06.2024 16:00

Laurel Thomas Arrigo

Professor of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Eberhard Clar Saal, UZA II

13.06.2024 16:00

Markus Holzner

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)


06.06.2024 16:00

Prof. Thomas Borch

Professor at Colorado State University, USA

Eberhard Clar Saal, UZA II
